7 Things to Remember Before Setting our Partner Up for Failure.
Do we read too much into our partner’s mistakes? How to avoid setting our partners up for failure - by keeping things in perspective and remembering that we all see the world differently. Top tips on maintaining a healthy, rewarding relationships by prioritising understanding and kindness.
It’s the thought that counts
We are told ‘It’s the thought that counts’ when it comes to giving, but what happens when you feel that your partner isn’t putting any thought into the gifts they give you? We can end up telling ourselves all sorts of stories about presents being a symbol of how much somebody loves us. This article helps to debunk some of these beliefs and will help you create a more generous attitude towards your partner’s ways of showing their affection.
The power of apology
According to the line from Erich Segal’s romantic film, Love Story ‘love means never having to say you’re sorry.’ Which, quite frankly has always baffled me, because, in my experience, a sincere and heart-felt apology can turn around a rapidly escalating situation, and keep relationships from going sour.
Why it’s ok to be stuck
Coaching is all about moving forward – in the clear direction of the client’s goals – and it’s often quite a shock to someone when they realise they can’t move forward. However, as coaches we recognise that ‘feeling stuck’ is quite a powerful place to be – because it’s your consciousness giving you a very strong message that something has to change.
Seven tips for keeping on going when the going gets tough
Some quick tips to help you stay resilient when life gets challenging